Mastering Bipolar disorder workshop For business owners

How to Balance Your Mental Health and a Business Without Sacrificing One for the Other, Even If it feels impossible Right Now

Tired of Bipolar Holding You Back?

Tired of Bipolar Holding You Back?

Be Part of the Workshop and Take Control of Your Life!

Let’s be real—balancing your business and bipolar isn’t easy. The mood swings, the unpredictability, the stress—it can all make it feel like you’re constantly just trying to get through the day, let alone having a thriving business or life.

I want to invite you to join the Bipolar Success Workshop designed specifically for people who are balancing bipolar disorder with a high-pressure business or career!


What happens when you wake up tomorrow and depression hits hard?

How will you show up for your business, your clients, or your team? The fear of losing clients, revenue, or your reputation because of a mood swing is real. What would it mean for your business if you couldn’t push through another bad day?

Mania doesn’t just take you on a high

- it can destroy your relationships, scare off your clients, and hurt your business. One manic episode can lead to risky decisions or actions that might ruin your professional credibility. What if it leads to a client walking away, or even worse—divorce or bankruptcy?

Are you going to wake up in 5 or 10 years and realize you’re still battling the same mood swings, still feeling out of control?

What happens if you don’t get a grip on this—how much business, income, or life experiences are you going to lose because of the ‘what ifs’ of bipolar disorder?

Hi I'm Phylecia, and I Know This Struggle All Too Well.

When I was first diagnosed, I spent years trying to find the right help, only to end up feeling lost and frustrated. The constant battle to manage my mental health while keeping up with my professional life was overwhelming. Sound familiar?

Why I created the Bipolar Workshop

I created this workshop for professionals who are constantly living with the fear that a mood swing could completely derail their life and businesses. It’s for those who are ready to take control, find stability, and actually enjoy living again—not just survive from one day to the next.If you're a business owner, that…

This is for you if you're a professional who is tired of your bipolar symptoms holding you back. Whether it’s mood swings wrecking your routine or feeling like you’re not able to show up the way you want—there are solutions. You deserve to thrive in your business and your personal life.

This is for you if you're a professional who is tired of your bipolar symptoms holding you back. Whether it’s mood swings wrecking your routine or feeling like you’re not able to show up the way you want—there are solutions. You deserve to thrive in your business and your personal life.

This workshop is perfect for you if you...

  • Struggle to maintain a consistent routine because of bipolar disorder.

  • Find that mood swings are throwing you off your work and personal life.

  • Want real, effective ways to stay balanced and focused.

  • Need practical tips for managing time and stress in a demanding business.

  • Are ready to take control of your mental health and see real progress in your professional life.

What You’ll Gain from This Workshop:

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • A Routine That Works:

    Build a daily routine that doesn’t just support your mental health but also helps you excel at work and feel more in control.

  • Mindfulness and Self-Care Tips:

    Get the exact strategies I use to stay grounded, focused, and calm, no matter what life throws at me.

  • Professional Success Strategies:

    Learn how to manage your time and reduce stress so you can keep moving forward, even on tough days.

  • Support and Connection:

    Become a member of a community of like-minded professionals who ‘get it’ and are here to support

    your journey.

  • Understanding Bipolar:

    • Explanation of Bipolar Disorder

    • Impact on Personal and Professional Life

  • Identifying Triggers and Solutions

  • Support and Connection

  • Interactive Q&A Session

What Others Have to Say:

Total Value: $750

Today's Price: $47 for a limited time.

Ready to Take Control of Bipolar Disorder and Succeed in your personal and professional life?

Sign up now for the Bipolar Success Workshop JUST $47 and start transforming your life today. We like to keep our groups small—Our workshops are capped at 35 people,—so everyone gets the attention and support they need. and spots fill up fast. Don’t wait—secure your spot today for just $47 before we sell out!

What's Included

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Live Workshop: A 90-minute session with Phylecia Keller, packed with actionable tips and real talk

    ($500 Value)

  • Exclusive Workbook: A guide to help you put everything you learn into action ($100 Value)

  • Bonus: Workshop Replay Access: Watch the replay anytime to reinforce what you’ve learned ($150 Value)

  • Total Value: $750

Your Cost: Just $47

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you feel the workshop doesn’t deliver the value promised, email me at [email protected] for a full refund. I'm committed to your success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join this workshop instead of looking for free resources online?

You could spend hours piecing together advice from various sources and never know who to follow, or you can join our focused, expert-led workshop that offers proven strategies tailored to your needs and get solid answers from someone who has been in your shoes and has overcome all obsticles. It's your choice but I'm asking you to take a chance with me as you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What if I can’t attend live?

No worries! We’ll record the workshop and provide access to all materials in a members portal.


What others are saying

"Keep Ballin!"

I’ve been listening for about 10 episodes. Thank you. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and I’m moving onward instead of looking backwards. My marriage is vastly improved, my lows don’t control me anymore. My psychiatrist recommend you. Just ordered the book. Keep ballin!

Adam S.

Phylecia, you are such an inpiration. I fully support your message and your mission to help others with bipolar disorder.

As a psychiatric nurse practitioner (PMHNP-BC) who treats patients with bipolar disorder, I am always looking for additional resources and support. Medication and therapy can be extremely beneficial; however, your wisdom and firsthand knowledge of mindset and perception is so important as well!

I have had multiple patients tell me they fell less alone AND more motivated after listening to your podcast. That is amazing! Keep doing what you are doing!

"Thank you for sharing your story with the world!"

Phelycia, hi. I just wanted you to know I really enjoyed your book. I read an ebook, then I bought a few paperbacks for my bipolar friends. Thank you for sharing your story with the world!

Jaka Tomc

Ready to Take Control of Bipolar Disorder and Succeed in Business?

Ready to Take Control of Your Bipolar Disorder and Succeed in Your Career?

Sign up now for the workshop for JUST $47 and start transforming your life today. We like to keep our groups small—no more than 35 people—so everyone gets the attention and support they need. Spots are limited, so don’t wait!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, diagnosing or prescribing meds. This is coaching from my personal experience of being bipolar for the last 14 years.

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